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“YUN CHEN 云辰”品牌创立于 2001 年,其名称源于创始人名字译音,诞生于杭州市秋涛路新型装饰材料市场。历经二十余载的持续发展,公司已成功转型为国际国内知名的地板品牌运营商,构建起集设计、销售、安装与服务于一体的运营体系。 

旗下汇聚了众多国际国内一线地板品牌,包括 FENDI 芬迪、意大利 ARBOL、意大利 FLO、奥地利 STQCKL、德国 MEISTER、 长颈鹿地板以及自主品牌 YUN CHEN 云辰地板等,并搭建起覆盖全国的加盟连锁合作网络,在杭州、广州、深圳、东莞、成都、福州、台州、温岭、无锡等多地设有分支机构,业务范围广泛,市场影响力深远。

The brand "YUN CHEN" was founded in 2001. Its name originated from the transliteration of the founder's name and was born in the New Decoration Materials Market on Qiutao Road, Hangzhou. After more than 20 years of continuous development, the company has successfully transformed into a well-known flooring brand operator at home and abroad, and has established an operation system integrating design, sales, installation and service.

It has gathered many first-line flooring brands at home and abroad, including FENDI, ARBOL from Italy, FLO from Italy, STQCKL from Austria, MEISTER from Germany, Giraffe Flooring, as well as its own brand "YUN CHEN" flooring. It has also set up a nationwide franchise chain cooperation network, with branches in many places such as Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Chengdu, Fuzhou, Taizhou, Wenling, and Wuxi, enjoying a wide business scope and far-reaching market influence.